
Showing posts from February, 2010

ABC of B-school Placements

It's often mentioned within B-school realms that a MBA education is a road to success. And success has by and large been quantified in financial terms - both on campus and in the media. This has distorted the image of B-school institutions and makes them appear as glorified Placement Agencies, rather than an apostle of a responsible leadership building institution. A-B-C of B-School Placements The fallout of the larger than life depiction of a B-school education is that the end has come to justify the means. Therefore Placement day, weekend, week, month/s - Duration varies in direct proportion to the ranking of the institution - has taken centre stage. Most of the brouhaha is at times created by the course participants themselves because the placement activities are usually driven by the student community in Indian B-schools. I guess there is no better way to exhibit a go-getter attitude than taking up the cudgels of one's own career. Thus the students decide the “Most Favoured