
Showing posts from February, 2021

Unpacking Anupam Rasayan!

Anupam Rasayan India Ltd's plans to go public has rightfully triggered a frenzied desire to know more about this company. After all a Rs 760 crore IPO is bound to attract investor interest. To top it off, the Sensex seems to be on steroids. And added to the mix, is the recent success  of several speciality chemical companies to provide greater than 20% returns on Day 1 of listing. So when a relatively unknown Chemical industry player comes out in the open, there is reason for speculation, analysis and frantic search for information on this new entrant. Dynamics of contract manufacturing in the Indian Chemical industry: Anupam Rasayan has publicly declared its play in contract manufacturing for several customers including a few marque Japanese and European chemical companies. So it's important to understand how this space operates. Several mid-sized chemical companies have evolved and stepped up the value chain, via contract manufacturing. This is especially true for off pa