
Showing posts from April, 2021

Autonomous Supply Chain Part 1 - Serialization technologies: Starter kit for Supply Chain practitioners & leaders

In today's age of hyper automation, Autonomous Supply Chain is a key buzzword. But significant elements of the Supply Chain operations across industries are stuck in the industrial age practices of paper-and-pen or plagued with disjointed automation technologies, around core monolithic ERP systems. In such an environment, it's critical for both Supply Chain practitioners and leaders to understand the basic building blocks of process automation that can enable the vision or mega plan for a hands-free supply chain. Effect of COVID-19 In today's world plagued with the COVID-19 pandemic, the appetite for transformational change has significantly increased. And this includes changes in business processes and digitalization of traditional areas like inbound logistics, warehousing, outbound logistics and overall fulfillment execution till the last mile. This transformation includes need for touch-less operations, especially in high manual activity areas. For example, iden